Yoga Nidra is a journey to your soul.


/ ni /


  1. to dissolve that which isn't you

/ dru /


  1. To reveal ; to bring to the surface


awakened, self-remembrance, causeless bliss

"she slept in yoga nidra and sensed she was divine, she awoke and realized she always was."


of how worthy and powerful you are. It is acknowledging that you are holy, a practice of dissolving all that you aren't in order to recognize all that you are.

Soul Care Sessions Yoga Nidra is designed to be the home for soul care, for you to cultivate a relationship to the sacred within, hear the voice of your inner wisdom and truth.

We begin with self acceptance, and love.

Babe, aren't you tired?

We live in a world that commodifies our energy and exploits our creativity.

We mistakenly believe that our worthiness is based on our productivity. Which over time can pull us out of the inner sanctuary of our soul.

Yoga Nidra is a timeless relaxation practice that

Enlivens Vitality

Rejuvenates Creativity

Increases Longevity by Boosting the Immune System

Yoga Nidra is a practice that brings you back home to you, your most radiant inner-Self.

In our practices you will connect to the greater YOU, your inner being, the body of en-joy-ment.

Hi, I'm Johnna.

"I deeply desire to share with you the teachings that I have, over the last 25+ years, been practicing, researching, and teaching. From Yoga, Meditation, Tantra, Ayurveda, Spirituality, nervous system based healing and more, these teachings have been a gift to my life. These offerings are for anyone in search of a deep connection to the sacred within them, to then live with more clarity, vision and purpose. Soul Care Sessions is your guide using tools you already have or learn step by step how to begin your spiritual practice. Welcome sweet friend, I know these ancient teachings will nourish your modern spirit!"

Who This Course Is For

For the woman who is ready to find joy in this one and sacred life again.

For the man whose spirit is calling him back, longing to welcome him back home.

For the soulful person who is knows there is more to life than attaining more stuff...

For the human being who is done with trying to make things perfect on the outside to feel better on the inside.

This is for you, because you know when you are in alignment and in sacred union with your inner divinity, you live and accept yourself unconditionally, life is about thriving and you are done with just surviving, and you are ready now.

This course is for you, because it is time to remember the majesty of who you are.

The Details

3 month program

+ Each week, every Sunday, for 13 weeks you will receive

+ A dharma talk

+ Love Notes from that week's lecture

+ A unique Yoga Nidra Practice

+ A 3 month Sadhana Journal, mailed to you upon signing up. This journal was created to use as a soul-ful reminder and guide to all that you will be discovering in our sessions and awakening to in your life

+ 1 meditation on Healing the Heart.

[ you will have lifetime access to all of this ]

Example Curriculum

  Session 1: Yoga Nidra Why It Will Change Your Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 2: The Heart of the Matter
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 3: Heal by Embracing the Reality of Duality
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 4:
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 5: Rest in the Ebb and Flow of Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 6: Words Before All Else + Yoga Nidra
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 7 Build Your Intuition
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 8 Ancestors Yoga Nidra + Desires of the Heart
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 9 Object Permanence: Practices For Safety and Ease
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Session 10 Relax and Be The Witness
Available in days
days after you enroll

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