The BIG open secret in Ayurveda
and Yoga is this: "The most subtle is the most powerful". Join me, Johnna Smith, for a recorded-live conversation that will unlock the mystery of, and give access to the most subtle aspects of you: the elements. The elements are the most basic building blocks of your physical body, your psyche and your emotions. To know them is to love them. In relationship with them, you have a forever ally in harnessing your power, vitality & health, courage, and love.
Deep Dive
Our discussion includes a deep dive into Ayurveda's Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, & Ether. We will review how these elements affect your health, outlook on life, choices you make, and energy. We will also discuss building a daily routine, which is Ayurveda's Mama Medicine for stress, overwhelm, and anxiety.